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Verification of Certification

The New Jersey Veterinary Technicians & Assistants (NJVTA) maintains a directory of certified individuals. Employers or background check agencies seeking to verify a technician’s certification status can refer to this directory. Please note that, due to the voluntary nature of certification in New Jersey, the NJVTA cannot provide detailed background information beyond confirming certification status.

Note: The NJVTA does not issue certificates directly to employers. Members are responsible for providing proof of their certification to their employers. If a member is unable to access their info hub, they can contact us using the link here:

Welcome to the New Jersey Veterinary Technicians & Assistants

PO Box 7677
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

The mission of the NJVTA is to promote life-long learning for the veterinary healthcare team.

American Assoiation of Veterinary State Boards

Curious about navigating the intricate landscape of veterinary licensure, state boards, and continuing education? What is VAULT? Click here to unlock a treasure trove of information provided by the American Association in Veterinary. Your journey to understanding state-specific requirements, licensure nuances, and enriching continuing education opportunities begins with a simple click. Thank you for choosing knowledge, excellence, and advancement in your veterinary career!”

AAVSB Website