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Verification of Certification

The New Jersey Veterinary Technicians & Assistants (NJVTA) maintains a directory of certified individuals. Employers or background check agencies seeking to verify a technician’s certification status can refer to this directory. Please note that, due to the voluntary nature of certification in New Jersey, the NJVTA cannot provide detailed background information beyond confirming certification status.

Note: The NJVTA does not issue certificates directly to employers. Members are responsible for providing proof of their certification to their employers. If a member is unable to access their info hub, they can contact us using the link here:

About Us

Who we are

In 1972, a small group of Animal Health Technicians formed a professional group to provide professional guidance, recognition, and education to veterinary technicians and assistants in New Jersey. In 2008, the association became the AAVSB recognized veterinary technician credentialing organization within the state. Today’s NJVTA, a strong and progressive 501(C)3 non-profit organization, is the only organization in New Jersey dedicated to certified veterinary technicians as well as all members of the veterinary healthcare team.


The mission of the NJVTA is to promote life-long learning for the veterinary healthcare team by providing professional development and continuing education opportunities; to promote quality, compassionate care to ensure the health and well being of all creatures, great and small; to continually strengthen the membership and grow professional relationships with other associations within the veterinary medical profession.

The Veterinary Technicians Oath
I solemnly dedicate myself to aiding animals and society
by providing excellent care and services for animals,
by alleviating animal suffering, and by promoting public health.

I accept my obligations to practice my profession conscientiously
and with sensitivity, adhering to the profession’s Code of Ethics,
and furthering my knowledge and competence through a
commitment to lifelong learning.

National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America 1987



General Membership:

Veterinary Assistants (Non-Credentialed)

Approved Veterinary Assistants

Veterinary Technicians (Non-Credentialed)

Business - Licensed and Insured Veterinary Hospital/Clinic

For a 1-Year General Membership as described above you must upload proof of employment by a licensed or license-exempt veterinarian, by an organization providing direct supervision by a graduate licensed or license-exempt veterinarian or be a licensed and insured veterinary hospital, clinic, specialty facility or emergency.

Certification (CVT) including General Membership: 

AVMA-accredited veterinary technician graduate (Credentialed)

For initial certification the following documents must be provided with application:

-Proof of passing the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE)

-College diploma from an AVMA-accredited Veterinary Technology Program

-For certification renewal, you are required to maintain at least 20 hours of continuing education bi-annually and are subject to random   audits. 

Certification (CVT) via Reciprocity/transfers from other states:

For initial certification the following documents must be provided with application:

-Proof of passing the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE)

-Copy of CURRENT license, registration or certification from transfer state.

- For certification renewal, you are required to maintain at least 20 hours of continuing education bi-annually and are subject to

  random audits.

Student General Membership:

Student membership applicant should be enrolled in an accredited Veterinary Technology or Veterinary Assistant program.


Executive Board Positions
1. Only voting members in good standing may hold office.
Voting members are those who:
– Have been approved by the Communications secretary for membership
– Have been members in good standing for three months.
– Have paid dues in full, on time
2. Nominees for the position of President and Vice-President must have served previously in a two-year term on the Executive Board.

Committee Chair Positions
Committee Chair positions are via Presidential appointment.