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Verification of Certification

The New Jersey Veterinary Technicians & Assistants (NJVTA) maintains a directory of certified individuals. Employers or background check agencies seeking to verify a technician’s certification status can refer to this directory. Please note that, due to the voluntary nature of certification in New Jersey, the NJVTA cannot provide detailed background information beyond confirming certification status.

Note: The NJVTA does not issue certificates directly to employers. Members are responsible for providing proof of their certification to their employers. If a member is unable to access their info hub, they can contact us using the link here:



Constitution and Bylaws of the New Jersey Veterinary Technicians and Assistants

(as of 12/2020)



This organization is to be known as the New Jersey Veterinary Technicians and Assistants, Inc., abbreviated NJVTA.


The purpose of this organization is to provide a means of communication among the membership to advance and improve the expertise of the Veterinary Technician and Veterinary Assistant (VT and VA).

To create and maintain a professional image of the VT and VA.

To enhance the relationship between the VT and VA with the veterinary community.

To enlarge the VT and VA’s knowledge of necessary skills through continuing education programs, sponsored seminars, and Association newsletters.

To raise the standards of integrity, courtesy, and honesty and to foster high ethical standards within our profession.

The association supports the certification of qualified VTs and VAs by the State of New Jersey or its governing body.

In the event the NJVTA is either liquidated or becomes inactive, any funds remaining in its treasury shall be divided among all existing AVMA accredited veterinary technician schools and all existing NAVTA approved AVA schools in New Jersey.


The membership shall consist of distinct groups to be designated as

  1. I) Voting II) Non-Voting

SECTION I: Voting members are those who:

1) Have been approved by the Membership Committee for membership.

2) Have been members in good standing for three months.

3) Have paid dues in full, on time

SECTION 2: Non-Voting members are those who:

1) Have been approved by the Membership Committee for membership.

2) Have been members for less than three months.

3) Are students enrolled in an AVMA approved accredited program in Veterinary Technology or NAVTA approved Veterinary Assistant Program


Article IV: Membership/Credentialing & Audit process (2019-addendum)


Section 1: General Membership is given to Approved Veterinary Assistants and non-credentialed Veterinary Technicians and Assistants. 


Section 2: The NJVTA is the credentialing body in the state of New Jersey and provides Certification (CVT) & General Membership to AVMA-accredited technician program graduates.


For initial certification, the following documents must be provided with application:

                     -Proof of passing the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE)

                      -College diploma from an AVMA-accredited Veterinary Technology Program

For certification renewal, you are required to maintain at least 20 hours of continuing education b-annually and are subject to random audits as described in these bylaws.


The NJVTA also provides certification and membership via reciprocity from other states.


For initial certification, the following documents must be provided with application:

              -Proof of passing the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE)

              -Copy of CURRENT licensure, registration, or certification from transfer state.

For certification renewal, you are required to maintain at least 20 hours of continuing education bi-annually and are subject to random audits as described in these bylaws.


Section 3: Student General Membership:

Student membership applicant should be enrolled in a AVMA accredited Veterinary Technology program or NAVTA approved Veterinary Assistant program.


Section 4: Audit Process

The membership/credentialing committee will conduct random audits throughout the year to assure that the membership is current on their continuing education requirements.  A member is required to display proof of valid continuing education within 2 weeks of notice. If proof is not supplied membership/credentialing will be revoked immediately and a fine will be charged for reinstatement. Extended lapses in credential will be evaluated by the board on a case-by-case basis with adherence to current credentialing requirements.  



The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the organization, namely President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Communications Secretary, Alternate Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Chairs, and Immediate Past President. The Executive Board shall advise and assist the President. In absence of the general membership, an Executive Board quorum shall conduct the business of the organization. A quorum is defined as one more than half of the Executive Board members. A minimum attendance of at least 75% is required at all Executive Board Meetings including This includes general Membership meetings and Executive Board meetings, ie: live meetings and online meetings. The annual membership/ credentialing fees will be waived for Executive Board members and Committee Chairs.

SECTION 1: The President

The President shall supervise and direct affairs of the Association. The President shall preside over all meetings, call special meetings when necessary and perform such other duties that ordinarily pertain to the office. The President shall have the power to create committees and make appointments that he/she deems necessary. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall sign all documents. The President shall countersign all checks drawn by the Treasurer and will represent the members of the organization at any state or interstate meetings.

SECTION 2: The Vice-President

The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during his/her absence or inability to serve and at the President’s request. The Vice-President shall oversee all committees. The committees, in turn, must report to the Vice-President on progress and results.

SECTION 3: The Secretary

The office of the Secretary will be divided into three officers: Recording Secretary, Communications Secretary, and Alternate Secretary. The Recording Secretary will be the custodian of the routine correspondence. The Recording Secretary will read and record the minutes and take attendance at each meeting and disperse minutes to the Executive Board Members within two weeks post meeting. Upon notification to Executive Board extension by ten days permitted. He/She shall request from each scheduled meeting attendee all proposed topics to be included on the agenda and forward to the Executive Board a proposed meeting agenda ten days prior to all scheduled meetings. The Communications Secretary shall oversee electronic communication; including, but not limited to, management of the NJVTA website and all social media. The Alternate Secretary will be called upon at the time of need when the workload exceeds the normal limit or when either Secretary is not present.

SECTION 4: The Treasurer

The treasurer will be the custodian of all organizational monies. He/She will collect all membership/credentialing fees which will be deposited with all monies in the name of the New Jersey Veterinary Technicians and Assistants or NJVTA. He/She will issue checks, countersigned by the President, for all authorized expenditures. The Treasurer will present a written financial statement at each regular meeting of the organization. An itemized report of receipts and disbursements will be properly attested to at the end of the year. The yearly report will be available upon request. In the event of an emergency which would prevent the Treasurer from fulfilling the duties of the office, the President and one other officer will be empowered to affix their signatures jointly to checks for amounts necessary to conduct business of the organization until such time as the Treasurer will resume duties or until a successor is elected and takes office.

SECTION 5: Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President provides advice and leadership to the Executive Board regarding past practices and other matters to assist the Board in governing the Association. The Immediate Past President supports the president on an as-needed basis and will serve as the Nominations Committee Chairman.

SECTION 6: Committee Chairs

Committee Chairs will be appointed at the discretion of the President. All Committee Chairs can recruit and invite members to participate. Committee Chairs will oversee their committee and report their progress to the NJVTA at monthly executive board meetings. A committee member can report in place of the Chair if the Chair is unable to attend a meeting. Committees will be added or dissolved at the discretion of the Board. The following committees report to the Vice President: (Updated 2020)

Nominations Committee

Public Relations Committee

Volunteer Sub-committee

Education Committee

Membership/Credentialing Committee

Wellness Committee

Legislative Committee

VNI Grassroots Sub-committee




SECTION 1: Nominations

Nominations must be sent to the Nominations Committee Chairman no later than the date established by the Nominations Committee. The President will appoint the Nominations Committee of three voting members. One voting member and the chairman will be the Immediate Past President. In the absence of the Immediate Past President, the committee with be chaired by a member of the executive board that is NOT running for re-election. Commencement of nominations will be announced on the NJVTA website, NJVTA social media sites and via membership contact requests. Eligibility and availability to serve must be ascertained by the Nominations Committee. Only voting members in good standing may hold office. Nominations will be accepted electronically and in writing.

Addendum (2019)

Nominations for the executive board can only be made by voting members in good standing with the association. Any member that chooses to nominate themselves must receive a “2nd” in nomination by a current board member.

Nominees for President and Vice President MUST have previously held a 2-year term on the executive board within the last 3 years.

SECTION 2: Ballots

Ballots will be sent via membership email to the voting members by the Nominations Committee. Ballots will be accepted until the date set forth by Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee will count the votes and inform the Executive Board, in writing, of the results. The new officers will be present at the annual meeting.

SECTION 3: Term of Office

Each officer will serve a term of two years at the end of the annual meeting. If a vacancy in a position should develop between the elections, the Executive Board will appoint an individual to fill the vacancy until the annual meeting of the election year or until a special election can be held. If there is a need to remove a person from office, a petition is to be circulated and brought to the Executive Board meeting with 75% of the voting members’ signatures. Members will be notified of meetings, as to the location, date, and time.



Each voting member who has paid his/her dues will hold one (1) vote.



All amendments to the constitution will be presented to the Executive Board to be written and presented to the membership. These amendments will be presented to the membership in ballot form and voted on. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the returned ballots of voting members will be required to pass any amendment.




SECTION 1: Cost of Annual Dues as described on the NJVTA website

The dues for members of the Association will be established by the Executive Board.


SECTION 2: Arrears

All members whose dues are more than three months in arrears will be considered as non-members. Such members may be reinstated upon payment of their dues as new members.


SECTION 3: Membership Year

The membership year will be January to January. Renewals will be mailed out by the Membership/Credentialing Committee by November 1st of each year. The second renewal will be mailed by January 1st. Any renewal not received by March 31st will be placed in a grace period and considered a non- member (lapsed) by November 1st.



The official business year will be the calendar year.


Robert’s rules of orders will preside at all meetings.